Jungle Cruise

9:00 pm - 11:07 pm Wed11Aug9:00 pmWed11:07 pmJungle CruiseRun Time: 127 minutes, Show starts at Approx. 9:00 PM.

Movie Description

Rated: PG-13
Release Date: July 30, 2021
Stars:  Dwayne Johnson, Emily Blunt, Edgar Ramirez
Runtime: 2 hours 7 minutes
Website: https://movies.disney.com/jungle-cruise
Description: Based on Disneyland’s theme park ride where a small riverboat takes a group of travelers through a jungle filled with dangerous animals and reptiles but with a supernatural element.
Trailer: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0870154/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
Tickets: https://ticketing.useast.veezi.com/sessions/?siteToken=fvv06af347je7wvd1wnp4dsaec
Box Office Admission Gift Cards: https://squareup.com/gift/X1P6JJ2444YDZ/order
Concessions Gift Cards: https://squareup.com/gift/HEN1BTA63K777/order




9:00 pm - 11:07 pm

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